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PRET: 47 38 LEI
Contemporary Geopolitics and Geoeconomics 2.0
Antonia Colibasanu
Colectia: Stiinte politice

Contemporary Geopolitics and Geoeconomics 2.0
A Method for Analyzing Global Trends. A (New) World in Crisis?

A map contains an abundance of information, if you know how to interpret it. A thorough reading with a trained eye allows the viewer to decipher the impetus behind current events, understand their importance and discern their impact on global stability. Along with geographical borders and topography, we must be aware of the layers of society and how they shape and change the map. Antonia Colibasanu discusses the theories and history of geopolitics. She argues that in order to decode the logic of relations among nations and communities, a methodical, interdisciplinary approach is needed, one that includes geographical, historical, anthropological and socio-economic notions.


Antonia Colibășanu is a geopolitical analyst and a lecturer on geopolitics, geoeconomics, economic diplomacy and strategy.
She is the Chief Operating Officer of Geopolitical Futures, where she also acts as senior geopolitical analyst. Colibasanu joined the U.S.-based Geopolitical Futures team in 2016, after working for more than 10 years with global analysis firm Stratfor.
Colibășanu is also a full-time lecturer at the National University for Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest, Romania. She is a Guest Expert at the Brașov-based Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies of the Romanian National Defence University. Dr. Colibasanu has also worked with and developed various courses and educational programs with the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.

Among other academic credentials, she holds a doctorate in international business and economics from Bucharest’s Academy of Economic Studies, where her thesis focused on country risk analysis and investment decision-making processes within transnational companies. She also holds a Master’s degree in international project management. She is an alumna of the International Institute on Politics and Economics, credited by Georgetown University.


* National imperative and national interest – the attributes of geopolitical analysis
* Strategic and tactical landscape
* Structure and vectors of influence
* Dependencies and causation in complex systems
* Social innovation and the digital age
* Analyzing the Pandemic: The new World?

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